Electric Shadow: This is the title of a current series of iridescent works by the painter Julia Münstermann that seem to glow from within. A selection of large and small-format “electric shadows” can be found at various locations in DESY, in the auditorium and in various research facilities. The analogue, non-objective representations of floating prismatic color gradients refer to the ubiquitous screens of computers, TV sets and the control monitors that are often used at the research center itself, on which reality appears as a fleeting shimmer and the barriers between places and times are lifted . With the image disturbances, resolutions and refusals, which the artist brings to view in painting, the problem of the legibility of the images in the constant media noise of our digital age is also addressed. In her works, which appear at the same time as light-images and non-images, it is not least about making visible phenomena that - like the mysterious dark matter - elude visibility.
Text: Belinda Grace Gardner